Thursday, February 17, 2005

Why I'm Not A Comedianne

A certain frequent commentator on this blog recently asked whether I had ever considered moonlighting as a comedianne. The answer is "no". The reason is as follows:

Despite the verbosity and frequency of my entries in this blog, which might create the impression that I am extremely talkative, I am actually one of those odd silent types, who can sit in the middle of a very interesting and intense group discussion and make one comment over the course of the whole thing (that is, if I even say that much). It's not that I don't have plenty of things to say, it's that I find listening to everyone else and quietly debating their comments in the privacy of my own head much more entertaining. Why this is, I do not know. Neither does Nathan, who is my opposite in this trait. It took him a long time to realize that when we were in the company of others, and I only said two things over the course of the evening, I was actually having a very good time.

However, that said, my silence is generally limited to the non-use of my vocal chords. When it comes to writing, on the other hand, I could go on for days. For whatever reason, words flow better from my fingers than from my tongue. This is, in some circumstances, rather advantageous, as writing can be edited, thought through and destroyed if necessary, whereas the spoken word, once it has exited the mouth, cannot be fully repealed. Unfortunately, face-to-face written conversations don't go so smoothly.
This is not to say that there are never times when you can't shut me up. I have been known to be excessively silly in the company of close friends and family. If you ever ask me about the role of women, you are likely to get an earful. I can talk for a while about my daughter's antics and accomplishments. But these are the exceptions to the rule.

Back to comedians: they talk. lots. in front of large crowds of people. me no do that. therefore me no be comedian. if you looking for good comedy, talk to nathan. he funny. he loud. he will entertain.

I am flattered that some people find me witty. If you are one of those people, you can continue to read my ramblings on this site. Just don't ask to hear them

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