Monday, February 14, 2005

Tonight was my night to take care of Rebecca so our neighbours could have their date. She and Susanna actually behaved themselves for the most part, but I tell you, it's exhausting looking after two 1-year-olds (give or take a month and a half) at the same time! I'm not sure how mothers of twins pull it off. I guess you get used to it if it's your everday life. Otherwise you'd go insane. Of course, being roughly the same age and size, at least Rebecca and Susanna can defend themselves against the other (both of them have a love of hitting the other over the head and/or grabbing each other's faces). As much as I want to have more kids, I have a vague fear of having a toddler and infant at the same time, because most toddlers want to touch babies and play with them but don't yet grasp the concept of "gentle", and most newborns haven't learned the art of self-defense yet. That would be when you REALLY couldn't ever leave two kids alone in the same room.

Anyway, tonight was worth the energy because we had a good time on Friday. It was great to be able to relax and hang out and talk about whatever and just be husband and wife for a few hours, rather than husband+father and wife+mother. But now I need to put myself to bed.


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