Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Attic Squirrels

Now, as promised, my squirrel story. A few months back, I was home alone with Susanna. She was taking a nap, and I had planned to use her naptime to work on the doll I was making her for Christmas. I was sitting at the computer in our living room when I heard things falling down the hall in the bedroom. I got up to look and saw that the laundry I had folded, but not put away, was lying all over the floor (At this point I had not yet entered the bedroom, and didn't plan too). My first thought was that a mouse had done that, since we had recently had some mouse issues, but then I realized that it had to be something bigger to have made such a mess. I also thought about the scampering sounds we had been hearing in our attic, and knew that a mouse made less noise than that. Well, Nathan was not home, and I did not want to go into the bedroom, but I really wanted to get some sewing work done, and to do that, I needed the ironing board, which was against the far wall of the bedroom. I looked around and didn't see anything, so I thought I would just go in, grab the ironing board, and then shut the door and go work in the other room till Nathan got home. I tiptoed across the floor and started to pull the ironing board out. Well, our friendly attic squirrel was BEHIND the ironing board, and when I moved it, he jumped out. I tell you, I have never run so fast back into the living room! I went downstairs to get some help from our neighbours, but the husband wasn't home, so the wife, Sarah, who has apparently had a rabies shot, came upstairs with broom, closed off all the other rooms, and chased him out of the bedroom, down the stairs and out the front door. And she did it with amazing calm, saying, "Come here, honey! It's okay! Come here!" But ever since that day, everytime I hear a squirrel in the attic, I fear that he will find his way into the laundry room and then into our bedroom while we are actually in there. And if I hear him while I am in the laundry room, I fear that he will jump down on my head.

I think the theme of the day is Sarah's irrational fears.

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