Saturday, February 26, 2005

Hooray For Sleep!

Last night I got a good, full night of sleep for the first time in a while... got to bed BEFORE midnight, slept all the way through, and wasn't awakened at 6 by Nathan getting up to go to work (no, he didn't oversleep - he works later on Saturdays). It was one of those mornings when you wake up at a decent hour and even though you could stay in bed for longer, you don't feel the need to (haven't had one of those in ages!). I feel very well rested today (which is especially great compared to yesterday when I felt like sleeping all day long). So that makes me happy. The other thing that was nice about waking up this morning, which also makes me happy, is that it was 8 o'clock and the sun was shining in through the blinds and the room was relatively light. I tell you, it is depressing to wake up at 8 in a dark room. Like it's still the middle of the night. (Okay, I know certain readers who wake up at 5 are now thinking I'm totally spoiled.) But the fact that it was bright at 8, actually at 7:30, means that spring is coming. And then summer. Nice, long, sunshiney days (unless it's raining). I LOVE waking up in the sunlight with the birds singing outside our window. As much as we Canadians may gripe and complain about how annoyingly warm it is here in February, I can't say that I really, honestly miss the cold. At all. Here's to spring!

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