Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Fully Done (Lessons From the Laundry)

I didn't leave you in a very hopeful place yesterday, so you'll be glad to know that today we're looking up. Here's the second thing that keeping house can bring to our minds:

Housework reminds me to rejoice in the finished, completed, never-to-be-undone work of Christ in his perfect life, death and resurrection.

The things of this life are futile, and without Christ my works are vain and worse than worthless--damning, even! Nothing I do in this life, whether it's keeping a clean house, or freeing a people Joan-of-Arc style, is enough to earn me God's approval, and without Christ, all my works will be burned up for eternity in the unquenchable fire of God's wrath... Gone and worse than gone. But Christ's daily works and life were so perfect, so sinless, that they were worthy of being on permanent display forever. He lived the only life worth preserving, and he lived it, not only so that he'd be able to take the punishment for my unworthy, futile life and keep me from the fires of hell, emptying the sink of dirty dishes, as it were--though that inspires much praise! He lived that perfect, finished, established life and then gives it to ME as my own record. When God looks at me, He doesn't see all those unfinished dirty dishes in the sink and moan about how He's going to have to wash them up AGAIN. He doesn't even just see an empty sink. When God looks at me, He sees a cupboard full of sparkling white washed-dried-and-neatly-stacked dishware gleaming from every shelf! Oh, if I can only think of this when I see the dirty dishes in my own sink, and instead of complaining, praise the glorious Lamb who gives me his righteousness!

Now that's joy-inspiring! And there's more to come!

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