Friday, August 10, 2012

Wise Words from Girltalk

This post by Carolyn Mahaney on priorities in mothering was very encouraging to me. I love my kids, and I love to read to them and answer their questions and sometimes even make a mess in the kitchen with them, but I've never been much of one for being down and dirty on the floor driving trucks all over the basement. Sometimes I feel guilty when I read things about putting down the housework and climbing into the sandbox, because I don't like to live in chaos, and I don't like to play in sand (or clean it up later!). But mothering is not all about the kids and their playtime needs. It's also about taking care of their need for organization, for security, for training, for a mother whose heart is quiet and delighting in Christ, for a mother who loves and serves her husband. Come to think of it, my own mother was not a floor-player either--at least from what I remember, but she was always there, she ran our home well, and we knew she loved my dad and Jesus. And we love her for it!

1 comment:

Susan said...

Hey, thanks...just catching up on your blog, and read this. I'm sure that Dad was a floor-player more than I was, but I'm glad to have been your mom and to still be your mom. Love you, too!