Friday, January 27, 2006

Toddler Antics

Today Susanna acted like the two-year-old that she almost is: this morning she carried my rings (which I had removed for bread kneading) into the living room and temporarily lost them for me (they were later recovered). Then she decided she wanted to wash her hands in the bathroom sink while I was preoccupied with Jacob... and proceeded to fill my make-up case with water while she was at it (I am still in the process of drying everything out). Then she opened the fridge, took out the carton of hard-boiled eggs and dropped them all on the floor (fortunately they weren't raw, but even hard-boiled eggs break when you drop them!). And then she opened a drawer, found the negatives from our wedding, tore the envelope and dumped them all out in the drawer (no damage other than the envelope, but a mess all the same). But it still made me smile before she went to sleep when she insistently informed me that a parrot says "Polly cracker! Polly cracker!"

*Edit*: I forgot to mention that she also found the Comet I had accidentally left on the back of the toilet and dumped half the contents into the toilet, then proceeded to "clean" the toilet...

1 comment:

Marlene S. said...

Oh this reminds me of the "week of Dawson"... my two year-old just after he turned two. It has since passed (for the most part), but I made sure I took a picture of the worst of his antics for the future. Someday I might blog about it.