Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Return to the Blogosphere

Well, it's been a LONG time! I've had the odd post on my old blog (still about 4 years old), but the past several years have just been too, well, BUSY! But a revisit to the blog for the one-time purpose of entering a contest got me thinking about blogging again, and after much encouragement from my husband, and positive feedback from a few others, I hope to be back to blogging at least semi-regularly (I am not committing to a regular timetable just yet... we'll see how I keep up with things). A lot has changed in the last 6 years: we now live back near Toronto, where we are members at Sovereign Grace Church Toronto, we have a total of four kids - two girls and two boys, and I'm now homeschooling the oldest 2. I'm no longer in my 20s, though I still think of myself as far younger than most 20-somethings see me, and well, God is still good.

My main reasons for blogging again, other than being submissive to my husband :), are to be a little more disciplined in getting my thoughts written down, because I really do think best on paper (or screen, in this case), and also to hopefully encourage younger women (among others) with the little insights God has been gracious to give me over the years, as Titus 2:3-5 lays out. To the "older women" among you: yes, I know I'm still young! But I am thankful for the many things God has taught me over the last 10 years of marriage and parenting, and I hope it will be helpful, especially to those just starting out on those intertwined journeys! If you find any wisdom here, any encouragement for your soul, any helpful challenge, any grace at all, turn your thanksgiving and praise to the only wise God who gave it!

My first blogging "project" is to do a little walk-through of I Peter 5:5-11, especially as it applies to mothering. But as I am a mother, and have hungry children in my house, that will have to wait.

1 comment:

LaurenB said...

Dear friend, I am looking forward to reading your insights as you have been an encouragement to me since the first day we met. I look up to you as a godly example and I am so fortunate that the Lord made us friends... just wish we still lived a bit closer :)