Friday, December 23, 2005

Sleep is GOOD

Well, I got that Christmas wish... and a week early at that! After getting progressively worse to the point that I thought I was going insane from sleep deprivation and frustration with this kid who was waking up every hour, I noticed one day that when Jacob was napping, if he started to wake up, he would suck on his fingers and put himself back to sleep...and it suddenly occurred to me that things had only started getting difficult at night when we had started using blanket sleepers. For those of you who are unfamiliar with that type of garment, it's basically a fleece bag with arms that is supposed to keep a baby warm without the risk of a blanket getting caught over their face and suffocating them. Nice, only they're a one-size fits all kinda thing so the arms are really long and cver Jacob's hands. Great, I thought, that will keep his hands warm. And, as it turns out, keep his fingers from getting to his mouth. Hence the constant waking and inability to go back to sleep. The first night we stopped using the blanket sleeper, he slept four hours straight. And the next night he was up to five, and then six, and as of last Sunday, has been doing 8 hour stretches! Now that starts between midnight and 1 am, so we're still working on the early part of the night, but hey, if I can have seven hours of uninterrupted slumber afterwards, I don't mind being up real late!:-) And needless to say, no more blanket sleepers for us! He may be cold but at least he's got a sane mother!:-) (and we just tuck his mattress now, so he's not even cold, for those who were momentarily worried.)

1 comment:

Mike said...

Ok, I have no experience and I am a guy (two strikes against me!), but would a crocheted blanket work in addition or as another option? With the holes in the blanket there shouldn't be a worry of suffication and it would keep him warm. I guess he would be a little scratchy, though!?