Friday, September 16, 2005


Well, blogging may become a once-a-week thing from now on... I don't know where I ever found the time to post 3 or 4 or more times in a week! My guess is that it has a little something to do with the difference in caring for a 10 or 11 month old who can't walk yet and still naps twice a day, and supervising a very busy 18 month old who is down to a 2-hour nap (during which time, housework and sleeping take priority over trying to get my thoughts down on the web for public consumption!) Oh well... and I'm not complaining - most of the time, it's fun having a little person around who's able to interact and communicate in an increasingly comprehensible way and is starting to pick up on the things I do around the house and copy me! She helps unload the dishwasher (takes the silverware out and dumps it into the silverware drawer - don't worry, I grab the knives first before she gets to them!), pushes her noisy walking toy around when I'm pushing the vacuum around, and has been caught "plunging" the toilet She's also beginning to show that "little mother" instinct - EVERYTHING is her "baby", which means that she regularly holds random objects close, pats them and says "baby, baby!" I have to confess that as sweet as it is to see her do this, I'm a little worried about what she's going to do when there's a real baby around to pick up, feed and tickle (3 things I don't want to see her attempt!) Aside from increasingly frequent temper-tantrums (terrible twos, here we come!), she is also becoming increasingly sweeter... she LOVES to give hugs and kisses these days!

On a completely different note, my parents, who've been in town this week, left this morning and we had to say good-bye for a while (well, to my dad at least... my mom will be here for a couple weeks after the baby's born). They're moving to Germany on Monday, where my dad is teaching at a seminary and overseeing some church-planting efforts there. He's been teaching J-terms there for the past couple years, but now he's going full-time so they're moving. Kind of strange to think of them not being in Toronto, or for that matter, in North America, anymore... I don't think it's quite sunk in yet... Now all of our parents will be much more than a reasonable day's drive away. When I was younger, I might have thought that sounded pretty good (desires for independence and all), but whether it's just getting older, or related to having a family of our own now, I wish they lived closer than across the continent or across the ocean... If somebody'd told me that I'd feel this way at 25 when I was 15 or 16, I probably would have laughed in their face! Anyway, I do think it's pretty cool that my parents are willing to pick up and move to another continent and do something new after having already raised a family and lived in a relatively settled way for so many years... Who says you have to get all the adventure out of your system before you get married or have a family?

Well, I'm going to go make myself a cup of tea and wait for Nathan to come home from work while I relax and listen to this CD - I love hymns set to contemporary tunes/rhythms... Depth and beauty of lyrics not regularly found in modern praise songs (generality though, not the hard-and-fast rule), with a really good beat... I'm currently enjoying Jars of Clay's modern rendition of one of my favourites (It Is Well With My Soul). Okay, and that's it for this hodge-podge of a blog entry... see you next week

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