Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Where is Martha-Martha?

I know my posts have been sporadic lately. Sporadic, as in, almost never. I keep hoping to write something, and then actually finish it and post it, but life regularly seems to get in the way. For one thing, it's summer time, which means that our somewhat dependable school-year schedule is no more and chaos reigns. Okay, not chaos, just different, which still has the effect of making it harder to accomplish things that once had a very specific place in my routine. On top of that, I started a new business a couple months ago ("coincidentally" coinciding with the sudden decrease in posts), and that has been taking large amounts of my time as I work on getting it off the ground. But I hope to get back to regular blogging in the fall as we get a school/work routine established. And in the meantime, I hope to find a little time for at least a post or two. We shall see.

1 comment:

Joanne said...

Your new business sounds great, Sarah, and is a "perfect fit" for you ... no pun intended!