Friday, October 14, 2005

Disconnected Thoughts

Mmmmm... the smell of homemade raisin bread almost finished baking is wafting in from the kitchen. I've crossed all but one thing off my to-do list for this week. Except for bringing the porta-crib up from the basement into our bedroom (and the normal weekly cleaning and shopping), everything is about ready for baby. So I'm feeling relaxed and ready to do a little xanga-ing this evening... just a sec, gotta go check on the bread... okay, I'm back... good thing I went to check on it - the top was starting to get just a wee bit on the dark side... now I just have to let it cool for a couple minutes before I take another break to go get a piece :)

This has been quite the busy week, so it's nice to have a little break tonight. Some friends of ours had her baby last weekend and we watched their toddler for them while they were at the hospital... Fortunately, Susanna and their little girl get along really well (all things considered), but I just have to say: kudos to anyone with twins! We had to make a Walmart trip with the two of them, and, well, I have to admit that it went better than I had expected, but it was still an "adventure". We had one of those carts with the extra plastic kiddy-seat attached to the back, so not only were we toting around two kids who kept trying to steal each other's sippy cups and poke each other's eyes out, but we had a double-long cart to maneuver around Walmart on a Saturday afternoon (read: busy place!)... I've got to say, Sam's has a much better idea with those carts that have two seats up top instead of the traditional one. Maybe next time, I could borrow one of theirs and wheel it over to Walmart ;) Anyway, I suppose in a couple weeks (or possibly days, although I'm not getting my hopes up), this will be my Walmart experience on a weekly basis... note to self: block out an extra hour of time for shopping and enough money for a chocolate pick-me-up at the end! :) Okay, break for slice of bread...

Mmmm... yummy... I think this might be a good way for me to gain those extra pounds the nurse keeps looking for at my appointments, 'cause I'm probably going to have to go back for a second helping... ;)

Question (which, incidentally, has nothing to do with any of the previous remarks or trains of thoughts): In Acts 10, which is the story of Peter being sent to take the gospel to (the gentile) Cornelius, verse 4 says that an angel appeared to Cornelius with the words, "Your prayers and your alms have ascended as a memorial before God," and therefore (taking the "therefore" from verse 32 where this is repeated), he should send for Peter so that the Gospel can be proclaimed to him. And then Peter, when he arrives, states in verses 34-5, "Truly I understand that God shows no partiality, but in every nation anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him." Now I know that we are to understand Scripture in light of Scripture, and we know from the rest of Scripture that salvation is through faith alone, by grace alone, and not by works. So how do we explain this passage in light of that truth, because the statements here seem to indicate that Cornelius gets to hear the Gospel because he is righteous and devout (i.e., because he has lived a life of good works). Has anyone heard a good explanation of this?

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