Tuesday, April 05, 2005


Man, I feel like I don't get on here very often anymore! I guess I used to do most of my blogging during Susanna's nap and after she goes to bed, but lately, those are the times when I most want to sleep myself.

So Friday, we had ultrasound #1. It was so cool to see our new little baby - (s)he was still too small to see any movement, but we did see the tiny heart beating in Baby's chest and heard it, too. That's the moment when it starts to really sink in that there's a real little life in there... I mean, once you get a positive test result, you know in your head that there's a baby inside, but I don't think you really realize it till you see and hear that little heart beating away. I kind of had a sense of deja vu, and it took a second for it to occur to me that this little human was not Susanna, but a completely new and unique individual! I don't see how anyone could look at that and still think there's no God!

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