Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Once Upon A Time, I Had a Blog...

Just the other day, I got an email in my inbox reminding me that my domain name was up for renewal. "Oh yeah," I thought, "I have a blog."

Well, I'm pretty sure I have a good excuse for not writing anything at all last month--big move, major surgery and all. Not that there's any law regarding the frequency of blog posts anyway. But I do hope to get back to writing more often, now that we're getting settled in and the kids are on their last week of finishing up their final school projects.

So this is just a brief post to say that we made it through the worst of moving out, moving in and major knee surgery (Nathan's, not mine). I do now remember that I have a regular space to write, and will likely be back to it shortly. But that's all for now, folks!

Update: Ha! Just got an email from Twitter welcoming me back and saying it's been a while since I've been seen. Thanks for rubbing that in, Twitter! :)

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