Friday, March 03, 2006

Law and Gospel: As One Under Authority

Before I say anything more on the subject, I need to make an apology and important note. As many in the blogosphere have recently been discussing, the relatively new world of blogging brings up "new" issues, or at least new applications of old issues. One I have been thinking about as I consider what to include or not include in my blog is the issue of headship and submission as it relates to public discourse and blogging. As a woman submitted to the headship of my husband, what should I feel free to publish and how should I go about it? My blog is a journal of sorts, and that leads to the temptation to write anything I would normally put in a journal. It is important, however, to remember the public nature of such an on-line diary, and therefore, to post only those things that are helpful for public consumption. Part of doing that as a married woman is writing in such a way that my husband comes off looking like the respected head of our home that he is, and for me, that means not posting anything of significance without first talking the subject through with Nathan. Not that I necessarily ask permission to post things, but rather that I try to make sure he doesn't hear my thoughts on my public blog before he hears them from me, and that he gets input and can give direction before anyone else. The reason I bring all this up is that I actually should have made note of this in my first Law and Gospel post. I realized after the fact that although I was making a conscious effort to only post what Nathan and I had already talked through, this may not have been apparent to those reading the post. I'm afraid I may have come off sounding like I'm going this study alone, which is not the case. Although I was the one who brought up the question, Nathan is also doing some study to help guide me in my own study. Anything you read on my blog, we have already discussed and agreed on. So I am not without guidance in this... I write these posts to help flesh out and clarify what Nathan and I have talked through in order to spur my own thinking, and perhaps yours as well. And so I want to apologize, first to my wonderful husband Nathan, and then to any reader who may have gotten the wrong impression. I will do my best to write this "series" (and any other such things) in the first person plural.

Upcoming topics include: Old Testament Wisdom, Thoughts on the Food Laws and Law, Gospel and Child-Rearing...

By the way, on a totally random note, hot sauce on popcorn is really good.

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